12,360 Text Messages Christian McNutt “I am going for 6 digits”

You may recognize Christian McNutt He was one of the best Trials riders to ever grace a bike he was on the Jr worlds team for the USA and generally he killed it on a bike,after an injury Christian had to more or less hang up the bike and take up a new career which is being one of the most sought after hair stylists in the world and he posses another quality which can rival any one teeny bopper in the world………….In the month of Septemper Chris here set a record for text messaging , 12360 that roughly works out to be 412 a day 17 and hour.. Chris is motivated by the hundreds of hot chicks that frequent his salon and like any good looking guy hair stylists he “clocks dem digi’s” so he has plenty of Ladies to text . Christian’s goal 100,000 in a month ,he has the motivation and every person should set goals ,Christian’s set his and is already on his way to achieving it..


One Response to “12,360 Text Messages Christian McNutt “I am going for 6 digits””

  1. dude is my hero, i want that many hot chicks texting me!

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